1048 Al-Biruni Arabic royal astrologer, dies at age 74. 1048 Death of Al-Biruni, Persian mathematician (b. 973) 1124 Callistus II [Guido di Borgogna] Italian Pope (1119-24), dies. 1124 Death of Pope Callixtus II 1126 Hendrik IX the Black, Duke of Bayern (1120-26), dies. 1204 Death of Maimonides, Spanish rabbi and philosopher (b. 1135) 1250 Death of Frederick II,...
This Day In History December 5th
1075 Death of Archbishop Anno II of Cologne 1110 First Crusade: The Crusaders conquer Sidon. 1110 Syria harbor city Saida (Sidon) surrenders to Crusaders. 1123 Death of Omar Khayy�m, Persian poet, astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher (b. 1048) 1137 Lotharius III of Supplinburg emperor (1125, 33-37), dies at age 67. 1182 Henry Earl of Gelre/Zutphen...
This Day In History November 27th
1252 Death of Blanche of Castile, Queen of Louis VIII of France (b. 1188) 1288 Birth of Emperor Go-Daigo of Japan (d. 1339) 1326 Death of Hugh the younger Despenser, English knight (b. 1286) 1436 Birth of Princess Catherine of Portugal, writer (d. 1463) 1497 King Hans of Denmark and Norway is acclaimed King of Sweden. 1504 Death of Queen Isabella I of Castile...
This Day In History Nov 21
1272 Edward I proclaimed King of England. 1316 Death of King John I of France (d. 1316) 1407 A solemn truce between John, Duke of Burgundy and Louis of Valois, Duke of OrlTans is agreed under the auspicies of John, Duke of Berry. OrlTans would be assassinated three days later by Burgundy. 1490 Joanot Martorell’s book Tirant lo Blanc is published for the...
This Day in History Nov 7th
1225 Death of Engelbert II of Berg, Archbishop of Cologne 1451 Death of Count Amadeus VIII of Savoy (b. 1383) 1492 The Ensisheim Meteorite, the oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, strikes the earth around noon in a wheat field outside the village of Ensisheim, Alsace (France). 1573 Solomon Luria (Maharshal) talmudic author (Yam Shel Shelomo),...
This Day In History Nov 3rd
1082 Birth of Emperor Huizong of China (d. 1135) 1083 Death of Matilda of Flanders, was Queen consort of the Kingdom of England (b. 1031) 1285 Death of King Peter III of Aragon (b. 1239) 1327 Death of King James II of Aragon (b. 1267) 1470 Birth of King Edward V of England (1483); deposed, murdered? by Richard III. 1483 Death of Henry Stafford, 2nd Duke of...